
Welcome to the PIXIE CREW Editor website brought to you by PIXIE CREW Ltd.

With the Editor you can create your own designs on PIXIE PRODUCTS. In this instruction manual we will show you how to work with the 8-bit graphic editor so you can start creating.

After you open the PIXIE CREW Editor choose the product and the colour of the silicone desk on which you will be drawing.

You can flick through the products with the help of your cursor  , which will shift you through pages both backwards and forwards.

After putting your cursor over a product a colour selection table will pop up. Just click on the colour you want and the picture will come up in the work screen. 

On the right hand side you have a selection of 24 different pixel colours PIXIE colours. After clicking on a colour you can apply pixels to the product you selected for the work screen.

You can only apply pixels to the silicone panel area of the product. The number of pixel points depends on the product and is different between products. The number of PIXIES you have used for every colour will be viewable on every colored PIXIE. The name of the chosen PIXIE you use will be written under the colour palet.   . 

On the left-hand side you have a control panel with a number of functions:

    you can beging to pixel your picture

   by clicking on this icon you can get on to the rubber, you can use this to delete unwanted PIXIES

   a return option if you have made a mistake or want to go back a step

  returning to your newest version of your picture 

  if you want to start all over again click on delete all, the panel will become clear of PIXIES 

   you can choose this function to use maximise the work field to the whole screen, so you can pay full attention to PIXELLING

   After finishing your design you can use this fnction to save it to your computer or mobile

  if you want to share your design with friends or on your social network site, don't hesistate to use the share button. You can share your design on facebook, snapchat or instagram, alternatively you can email it

  print your picture now – that is, if you have a printer

For more inspiration visit our gallery, if you like our PIXIECREW product, don't hesistate to purchase through our e-shop  After clicking on the icon you will automatically be sent to the PIXIE CREW STORE  where you can find all of our products.